Damn ticks...
I'm off to bring my 5 year old to the doc's. She's got a suspicious rash. Looks damned near like a bullseye. Shit, shit, double shit. I just had to let out some of my tension here. I've been trying to tell myself it's nothing to be worried about, but I saw a doctor-friend over the weekend, who said she would get her in on Monday to be looked at. Ticks are prevalent here in NJ, and I'm worried. I'm hoping if it is Lymes Disease, all she needs is some antibiotics. But I've got that bad pit in the middle of my stomach feeling. All she wants to know is whether she's going to need to get a needle. Fuck. I hope they don't have to draw blood. Deep breath. OK. I'm off...
Aw, thanks #1!
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