Sunday, September 17, 2006

New Beginnings

Pray for me. LOL

I'm starting work tomorrow at a hospital, and while I'm only going to be working 8 days a month, I'm working full-time for training purposes for a couple of weeks. Ack! I haven't had to get up, showered and moving in eons. And I never had to do it while getting 3 kids out of the house and letting the contractor in to work on the house! DH and I just figure we'll muddle our way through it.

I'm going to be working on what's called the "bed desk". I will control (mmmwwwwaaahhhhhaaaa haaaa) the beds in the hospital, for patients in the ER who need a bed, keeping track of who left that day, docs will call with direct admits, etc. I like the job because it involves a lot of chatting on the phone, shmoozing the RN's for beds, etc. They warn me it's a stressful job, but heck, I'm working Wednesday one week, Thursday the next and every other weekend, Saturday and Sunday. All on the 3p-11p shift. No biggie, really. It will be nice to get out!

But in the meantime, working full-time is gonna hurt. I've planned ahead as much as I can with meals (bought tons of ready-to-cook crap today) and clothes (yep, folded and ironed - an amazing feat). So here goes nothing!

A Good Cause

Michelle E. Ellis is a phenomenal writer. I am very happy to call her both colleague and co-worker. She is donating all proceeds from QUITS, her horror e-book, to a children's charity, National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), an English organization. QUITS will also soon be in print for you to buy. The link below is for a fabulous trailer for the book. The trailer is suspenseful and has a creepiness to it which is surprising - exactly like the book itself!

C'mon, support the kids. You know you wanna. ;-)

Call for Submissions

Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment and let my readers know that Freya's Bower and Wild Child Publishing ( and are looking for sweet and mainstream romances. Erotic romance is also accepted at Freya's Bower, but both houses are searching for wonderful writers who tell sweeter stories.

If you are interested, please check our submissions guidelines, blog here or email me at Thank you!

Monday, September 11, 2006


God Bless America

Monday, September 04, 2006

I just figured out to upload a picture to Blogger. ::blushing:: I'm a little behind in the technology department. I thought I'd share the cover for my book published with Freya's Bower, Spirit of Dawn. Here is the blurb: Ashkii's wife and infant son died of smallpox, leaving him bereft, yet he must carry out his duties as eldest male of his Navajo clan. Jack Conover has lost faith in love and has resigned himself to a life alone on the ranch. In Spirit of Dawn and Angel of Dawn, each man is comforted by a mystical woman he discovers on the frontier. Who is she? Neither know, but she eases each man's heartache, allowing him to move forward with life.

If you would like to enjoy these two short stories, please visit Freya's Bower at

The end of summer...

Summer is officially over. The pool club is closed for the season. I'm sitting on my bed with the windows open, listening to the crickets chirping and the frogs from the park up the street singing. And my 5yo lays next to me, snoring gently. lol I have a small fan on and the air feels beautiful. It's clean and crisp. I love the fall. Of course, it's not officially here yet. In fact, the heat and humidity will probably come back in a week or so, but I'm going to enjoy the coolness while we have it.

I did something interesting with my daughter, Abigail, this evening. She just turned 11 this weekend and is starting middle school. She came into my room asking why "one eyebrow has one hair that goes straight up right here". LOL Obviously she wanted to pluck 'em, but didn't want to ask. Friends of hers have already had their brows waxed - they're exceptionally hairy young ladies! So I laid her down with her head in my lap and judiciously plucked several hairs out from each brow. Not much of a difference, but a bit - enough that she and I could tell. She was very good about it, very patient and just said "ow" each time I pulled. We have to go jeans shopping tomorrow. School starts Thursday and the jeans she wanted to wear are too tight in the thighs. Her best friend gave her them for her b-day and got her the usual 10-slim size - we all did a happy dance when Abby found them too tight. She's been in a 10-slim for what feels like forever - yay, she's growing! LOL This friend, Julie, has had her period already and is so much more developed than Abigail, so it's a private joke (well, not so private anymore!) among us.

Off to do more editing. Night, all!