I just figured out to upload a picture to Blogger. ::blushing:: I'm a little behind in the technology department. I thought I'd share the cover for my book published with Freya's Bower, Spirit of Dawn. Here is the blurb: Ashkii's wife and infant son died of smallpox, leaving him bereft, yet he must carry out his duties as eldest male of his Navajo clan. Jack Conover has lost faith in love and has resigned himself to a life alone on the ranch. In Spirit of Dawn and Angel of Dawn, each man is comforted by a mystical woman he discovers on the frontier. Who is she? Neither know, but she eases each man's heartache, allowing him to move forward with life.
If you would like to enjoy these two short stories, please visit Freya's Bower at www.freyasbower.com.
Just wanted to let you know how much I loved Spirit of Dawn! :-)
Why thank you, Emma!! :-)
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