Thank God. It's been a long and busy week here. Actually, the weekend is going to be even busier. Both of our girls have their dance recital tomorrow. Baptism party in the city on Sunday. Busy, busy.. can't wait for school to get out so we can just relax a bit. Wait, WTF am I saying - that means the kids will be home full-time...yikes.
The WIP is moving right along. It's such a struggle to not edit as I go along. My goal is to type through to the end, type "THE END" and then edit. I'm battling with myself. My goal is 2,000 words this weekend.
I'm reading about the "controversy" in Philly with Geno's cheesesteak place requesting that customers order in English. My reaction is: "So?" The owner of the joint's parents came over from Italy and learned the language - if a person living in South Philly can't say "cheesesteak" in English, he should learn to do so. In fact, it should be one of their first words - they're that delicious! Stores shouldn't have to learn Spanish or any other language in order to serve their customers in the U.S. Period. Assimilate, people, assimilate. OK, political rant over.
Thought For The Day:
Of course I don't look busy - I did it right the first time!